Red Wine Gifts

Lets face it, there are a lot of different gifts that one could give. But today we would like to take a moment to talk about red wine gifts. They are perfect for any occasion because of their versatility. One could use the red wine for drinking, cooking or even decoration.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Caymus Emperor is naked first nekkid with all its hangin ' junk ...

22 Sep 2010

, First, it wasn't the fault of Fleming.  Really. They tried so hard.  The service was amazing. From the managing partners James, down to every waiter (who introduced themselves all the way!) they perform all each guest feel welcome and important one, perfect attended to.Nixon, Chef and food executed per plate is empty I sent back! bravo to you all.

They even struggled with the technology to try to make the "Interactive dinner with Caymus" be something interactive.  However, even the best laid plans, executed even as much as possible, simply do not always work. 

  Let's face it. Even the most well behaved adults get really strong, until after a few glasses of wine or four.  Dead center loud table one giant has done all the hope of hearing, much less interaction with Chuck Wagner wine Director of Fleming (and my favorite person) op Jansen Marian de Haar, on the screen to disappear. You can write a question Chuck ["??????"????? ????"?? Caymus if possible in a few words, how do you describe it?" seriously, I really wanted to know because I don't think anyone actually becomes wine in the same style for any other reason than marketing] I could never even hear if they received my question, much less what the answer was.  James told me that there was a woman as a delegate of Caymus, she was going to come and say hello, probably answer my questions.She never did when he tried to introduce myself ... at the end of the evening, she was so engrossed in conversation with her spouse of a table for dinner, I try to attract attention. So much for any interaction with Caymus.  Why am I not surprised?

What leads me to the most disappointing aspect of the evening.The wines of hate mail offensive. before, I simply say that Chuck Wagner is a genius at something one marketing. He called the Stanford University study clearly proved that you say that to someone more expensive wine, they automatically see it to be better quality.  Unfortunately, change & humble Svt mst Obdt here, this genius missing is clearly the bottle. 


Conundrum 2008. Ick. Sweet, cloying with acids out of balance. Strange copper finish, just a mess inside the glass. Even my two women at the table with me not care.  Each bottle 20 market? WTF?

  Mr. Silver Unoaked Chardonnay 2007 Soleil: Ick but no icky like Conundrum. Although very green, like a bunch of leaves got crushed with fruit.  Speak clearly of Malolactic buttery.More is the same as the palate. Perry green, rose in response to acid, more green and character that was at odds with ?????? the acid, and no balance. All 20 retail bottle, twice that in the restuarant? feh.

A special selection Cabernet 2000: Oaky nose.Zero fruit. Oak tannins on the palate, more acid with no fruit at all. ten years old and over the Hill or at the fool that he almost brain dead phase. market 125 $ $ 250 or more on the wine list. Aint no right … that way.

  2008 Special Selection Cabernet: giant fruit bomb. Many fruits on the nose, ripe fruit ?????? over the palate and of dense oak tannins, salt.The palate was crowded and muddy, above the mystery of the fruit became bolder with air and retail $ 100., 250 on the list.There is no way … Hell no.

At this point, I'm certain 2000 and 2008 blended together to get something a lot better … but yet, I should also do this?

Then bring out the "gift" of James of part of the 2005 special selection.Pelvis on the nose and tones the palate.The fruit is dark, slightly tannic.This one showed more Bordeaux-style, with tones of cherry fruit and thinner.Good wine, the best of the night, a friendly market 150 $, 300 on a list.Hell give me a break. …

Come on people wake up and trust your own palates.. try this: do blind tasting with Caymus, something similar but half price from Napa.

I suppose I should be "that guy" who says "the emperor has no clothes." hell, "is the first completely naked nekkid with hanging outside his junk.

I really like wines.. you tried anyone admires Caymus, I'm not sorry. I just I must be honest, fair, they are not equal. the price of admission to the market environment, I chose not to me when I see all Bordeaux less money can buy. "hell, I Bages Lynch 2005 June is only $ 75 so much better, much more age.

But to Fleming for trying, as well as for beautiful evening as it was, notwithstanding wines … my Bravo and thank you all.

Most Moshein
Wine Austin guy

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